Pursued Update

Hey Guys, its been awsome seeing you plays play the game and explore the world,


- Fixed some issues with the Nav mesh bounds with the AI getting stuck on corners and light poles, also added nav mesh bounds to allys and tight spots, no longer able to hide in ally. :)

- Lowered Texture resolution for houses and props for better performance as well as download size.

- New key spawns, now everytime you start a new game the keys will be in a new location, currently 4 locations, Had issues with the keys,      now when you collect the key the game ends (Issue with overlap trigger) will try to find a fix for this.

- AI killer now walks about 10% slower, giving you more time to look for the key.

- Add more allys and buildings for you to try escape the killer.

- Added secret :)


Pursued Game.zip 858 MB
45 days ago

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